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Monthly Verse

Medicine Spitter - Robin Richardson The Balloonist

There was a balloonist from Madison,
Who refused, when we told him to jettison.
He got dówn in his basket, and said, “If you ask it
Again, I will spit up my medicine.”

by Anthony Madrid


Fjords Reviews Artists - Anthony Madrid Anthony Madrid

ANTHONY MADRID lives in Chicago. His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2013, B O D Y, Boston Review, Fence, Lana Turner, LIT, and Poetry. His first book is called I AM YOUR SLAVE NOW DO WHAT I SAY (Canarium Books, 2012).



Robin Richardson

Robin Richardson is the author of Knife Throwing Through Self-Hypnosis (ECW Press, 2013) and Grunt of the Minotaur (Insomniac Press, 2011). Her work has been shortlisted for the CBC Poetry Award and has won the John B. Santoianni Award (awarded by The Academy of American Poets) and the Joan t. Baldwin Award. She holds an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence, and a BA in illustration from OCAD University. She currently divides her time between Toronto and New York.

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